Thursday, December 18, 2014


You've finished your first semester at PMSA!

I know that you'll miss having class for the next two I've assigned some work for you to do over the break.

Winter Break Work
  1. Read and annotate "The Most Dangerous Game"
  2. Answer The Most Dangerous Game Questions on a separate piece of paper.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dec 10


Today was an action packed day.  We started off with a warm-up that forced us to go back and use vocabulary from Units 1-6.  After reviewing some of our work on the warm-up, students began analyzing epic similes on their own.  Then we dove into excerpts from Book 13, looking for their connection to themes present in The Odyssey.  For today's powerpoint, click here.


Finish Levels 1-4 for your epic simile analysis (see powerpoint or notes from class)
Works on Book 13 excerpt theme analysis (see powerpoint or below)
Study Vocabulary Units 1-6 for next week's final

Dec 9


Today the juniors took their practice ACT and the rest of the school followed a special schedule.  This meant that only periods 1 and 7 had class with me today.  In class students were given time to work on Book 22 and Book 23 handouts.


Book 22 handout due Wednesday
Book 23 handout due Friday
Study Units 1-6 Vocabulary for the Final next week

Dec 8


Today in class we continued our work with similes and epic similes.  Using the definition of epic simile we transformed our own similes in to epic similes by adding more details and points of comparison.  We also reviewed the plot of book 13.  Click here for today's power point, so scroll down to the bottom of the page.


The Book 22 Handout is due Wednesday, Dec. 10
Study Units 1-6 Vocabulary to prepare for our final next week

Dec 5


Today I forgot my laptop at home and we went 'old school'!  There was no powerpoint used for today's notes on similes and epic similes, but if you need a refresher check out the post for Dec 8.  In class we created our own similes and compared our understanding of what a simile is to examples of epic similes in The Odyssey.  We also started to work through a four step process to help us deeply analyze a simile or epic simile.


Unit 7 Vocabulary Test is Monday

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Dec 3 & 4


Wednesday and Thursday were mostly spent taking a 132 question test on Books 1-12 of the Odyssey.  On Thursday, once we were done with the test, we took sometime to analyze the mistakes we made on our Unit 7 vocabulary homework.  We pushed ourselves to think metacognitively - asking, "What about the definition of the word and the sentence would have made someone pick this word instead of the correct one," "What clues are there in the sentence that could help point me to the correct word," and "What do my incorrect answers show me about how I can better study for Monday's Test?"


Dec 2


Today we moved our discussion to analyzing what kind of leader Odysseus was.  We focused on evidence that we could find Book 12.  To shape our discussion, we created two T-Charts.   One focused on what Odysseus told his crew and what he didn't tell his crew.  The other focused on evidence that he was a good, trusted leader versus a untrusted manipulator.  Click here to see today's powerpoint or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Dec 1


Today in class we focused on irregular verbs and Book 11 of the Odyssey.  Our warm-up was Irregular Verbs Exercise 2.  We also got a list of (almost) all the irregular verbs in the English language.  

After working with irregular verbs, we focused on how Odysseus interacted with two different ghosts - his mother Anticlea and a crew-mate Elpenor.  We asked ourselves what Odysseus's treatment of these two ghosts revealed about his character.  Click here to see today's powerpoint or scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Homework and Important Dates

Nov. 25


Today we paused our analysis of The Odyssey to have difficult conversations about the grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson on any of the charges related to the death of Michael Brown.  I decided to provide a space for my students to process the decision and for us as a class to talk about larger societal issues at hand.  To see the powerpoint that I put together to help guide our conversation, scroll to the bottom of the page.  Today was just the beginning of a difficult conversation, we reached no conclusions, nor did we find any easy solutions.  What we decided to do as a class was look at and talk about things in our society and country that aren't pretty and aren't easy to talk about.  I challenged each of my students to continue these conversations with others in their lives.


See Monday's post

Nov. 24


Today we took our Unit 6 vocabulary test.  When we finished the test, we worked on creating a timeline of Odysseus's journey from Troy back home to Ithaca.


Friday, November 21, 2014

Nov 20 & 21


Thursday and Friday were ACT Aspire testing days for Freshmen at PMSA.  This meant that I only saw 1/2 of each of my classes on each day.  In class we built off of our basic understanding of verbs and the difference between regular and irregular verbs.  We spent time working to identify the correct form of a verb to use in about 20 different sentence and discussed how different forms of a verb are used.  After spending a nice amount of time with our verbs, we shifted over to the Odyssey.  As a class, we tried to create a working definition of the phrase 'superhuman strength' that we could use as we analyzed Odysseus's actions.  Below is a wordle that reflects the notes I took from the discussions all 5 of my classes had while trying to define superhuman strength.  Click here to view a copy of these notes.

Superhuman Strength Wordle


  1. Read Books 11 & 12
  2. Complete pages in Odyssey Packet for Books 11 & 12 by Monday, 11/24
  3. Unit 6 Vocabulary Test on Monday, 11/24
  4. Test on Books 1, 2, 5, 9-12 of The Odyssey on Tuesday, 11/25
  5. Odyssey Books 11-13 Packet due 12/1
  6. Odyssey Books 16 & 17 Packet due 12/1 (get a jump start....this will be handed out on Monday)

Nov 19


Today in class we reviewed the work we did on our Unit 6 Vocabulary Packets.  As we corrected our vocabulary work, we looked for evidence showing words we understood really well and words we didn't know well.  After reviewing our vocabulary work, we assessed Odysseus's epic hero status.  We gave Odysseus a grade for his overall performance in each of our 4 epic hero categories: superhuman strength and craftiness, emerges victorious from perilous situations, helped and harmed by gods, and embodies ideals that a his/her culture considers admirable.  Click here to view today's powerpoint or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


  1. Read Books 11 & 12
  2. Complete pages in Odyssey Packet for Books 11 & 12 by Monday, 11/24
  3. Unit 6 Vocabulary Test on Monday, 11/24
  4. Test on Books 1, 2, 5, 9-12 of The Odyssey on Tuesday, 11/25
  5. Odyssey Books 11-13 Packet due 12/1

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nov 18


Today was divided between learning about regular and irregular verbs and evaluating Odysseus's epic hero status.  Click here to see today's powerpoint, or scroll down to the bottom of the page.  We also got 2 handouts in class: a blank timeline and Verb Tense Formulas.


Unit 6 Vocabulary Packet due tomorrow, 11/19
Catch up on your Odyssey reading if you fallen behind

Nov 17


I was out sick today :(  In class you were given questions about Book 10 to answer.  If you didn't finish them in class, you needed to complete them for homework.


Book X Questions due Tuesday
Book X Graphic Organizer due Tuesday (bonus day since I wasn't here to collect this)

Nov 14


Today we took notes on the basic ingredients of an epic and then focused on what it takes to be considered an epic hero.  We made from action films, comic books, and cartoons to various traits/qualities of an epic hero.   Click here to see today's powerpoint, or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Read Book X (10)

Today's PowerPoint

Nov 13


Today class was back in the LRC/310 for our second ACT Aspire practice day.  In class we took the Practice English ACT Aspire test.


Unit 6 Vocabulary Packet due Wednesday, Nov 19
Books 5 and 9 Questions due tomorrow, Nov. 14

Nov 12


Today in class we talked about Book 5 and tried to figure out the very complicated relationship between Calypso and Odysseus.  Click here for today's powerpoint or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Book 5 and 9 questions due Friday, November 14
Study for the Unit 6 Vocabulary Test

Nov 11

Veteran's Day

No school today.  Work on the homework assigned on Nov 10.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Nov 10


Today all my classes were in the computer lab, taking practice ACT Aspire Reading tests.  We did this to prepare for taking the actual ACT Aspire tests later this month.  Want to know more about ACT Aspire?  Check out their website:


  1. FOR PERIOD 1 ONLY: Due Wednesday: Complete Journal Response Chart for Books 1, 2, and 5
  2. Due Wednesday: Read Book 9 of The Odyssey
  3. Due Wednesday: Complete the Note-Taking and Summarizing Chart for Book 5 and Book 9.
  4. Due Wednesday: Complete a Journal Response Chart for Book 9
  5. Study Unit 6 Vocabulary Words


Nov 7


Today we took our Unit 5 Vocabulary Test and learned how to use the journal graphic organizer as we read The Odyssey.  Click here to view today's PowerPoint, or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


  1. Read Book 5 of The Odyssey
  2. Periods 3, 4, 6, and 7: Complete Journal entries for Books 1, 2, and 5 of The Odyssey


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nov 6


In class we reviewed how the literary terms in medias res and epithet apply to The Odyssey.  We also learned a new, after reading strategy to help us keep track of each book's plot, setting, and characters.  Click here to view today's powerpoint or scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Notes and Summary Graphic Organizer

Need a refresher on today's instructions about how to use this graphic organizer after you're done reading?  Check out the materials that are listed below.


  1. Vocabulary Worksheet due 11/7
  2. Finish Notes and Summary Graphic Organizer for Books 1 and 2
  3. Study for Friday's Vocabulary test

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Nov. 5


Today we learned the literary term epithet and looked for good examples of epithets in books 1-2 of The Odyssey.  Click here to see today's powerpoint, or scroll down to the bottom of this post.


  1. Vocabulary Worksheet
  2. Odyssey Paragraph
  3. Study for Friday's Vocabulary Test

Nov 4


Today in class we learned about how the literary term in medias res applies to The Odyssey.  We also began analyzing Books 1-2 of The Odyssey.  We focused on answering the question, "Is Telemachus a good son or a bad son?"  Click here for today's powerpoint, or scroll down to the bottom of this post.


  1. Revised Works Cited due 11/5
  2. Vocabulary Worksheet due 11/5
  3. Vocab Test on 11/7
  4. PERIOD 1 ONLY: MLA Citation Worksheet due 11/5

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3


Today was part two of our focus on MLA citations for Works Cited Pages.  Our warm-up and class work focused on all the minute details that are needed to create a correct citation.  To see today's powerpoint click here or scroll down to the bottom of the page.


  1. Revised Works Cited are due 11/5.  They MUST be typed.
  2. Vocab Worksheet due 11/4
  3. MLA Citation Worksheet due 11/4

Friday, October 31, 2014

Oct 31 - Happy Halloween


Today we finished up our Odyssey Research Project Presentations and dove into major notes on creating proper Works Cited and Bibliography Pages.  Many students are still making major formatting errors, so most of today focused on setting up the Works Cited page.  See below for today's powerpoint.


  1. Due Monday - Read The Odyssey books 1-2 (pgs 1-38)
  2. Due Monday - Complete Books 1-2 Comprehension Check Worksheet
  3. Due Wednesday - Revised Individual and Group Works Cited pages (make sure to staple your first draft behind your final draft)
  4. Study Unit 5 Vocabulary - Test next Friday!

Resources to Use When Reading The Odyssey

Thursday, October 30, 2014

October 29 & 30


Today we continued our presentations on different topics related to the Ancient Greek world.


  1. Collaboration and Participation Evaluations due 10/31.  Use the Collaboration Rubric to score your group members.
  2. Study Unit 5 Vocabulary (use my flash cards on to help)
  3. Bring your copies of The Odyssey to class on 10/31....there will probably be a materials check and a sweet reward for prepared students.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28


Today was DAY 1 of our Odyssey Research Project Presentations!  We're off to a great start and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's presentations.


  1. Annotated Source due tomorrow, 10/29 (You can either add annotations to the source you submitted and got back from me OR begin again with a new one).  Sources MUST be at least 2 pages long.
  2. Study Unit 5 Vocabulary Works - Try Quizlet!
  3. Rehearse your presentation

October 27


Today in class we focused on the purpose of annotating a text and what high quality annotations look like.  We started out looking at an example from a student, then I modeled how I annotate while students replicated my annotations in their texts, and for homework students finished annotating the text we worked on together in class.  To view today's powerpoint click here, or scroll to the bottom of this post.


  1. Finish annotating the article titled, "Exploring Expository Writing"
  2. Complete the worksheet that goes along with the article titled, "Exploring Expository Writing"
  3. Practice your presentations
  4. Study your Unit 5 Vocabulary Words

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October 23


Today many of my classes got a visit from the most amazing librarian - Regina Townsend, from the Forest Park Public Library.  Regina, is an Illinois Library Association Young Adult Librarian of the Year Award Winner.  She shared sooooooo much information about the amazing things going on in the Young Adults Department at the Forest Park Library.  Including (but not limited to) the clubs and events listed below.  Want to know more?  Check out or

  • Physics Tutoring and Help every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Service Club meets every Tuesday
  • Young Women's Council - next meeting on November 13
  • Recently Returned (Guys' book club) meets last Monday of each Month
  • Writer's Group meets every Wednesday
  • Humans vs. Zombies on Halloween, October 31 starting at 6pm
We also took notes on MLA citations for Works Cited pages and created some of our own citations by hand.  We also got another handout with information about how to create citations, called "MLA Citation Style Guide Sheets."  You can also check out today's powerpoint at the bottom of this post!


  1. Complete the "Practice Creating Source Cards for Books and Online Sources" Worksheet. Due tomorrow.
  2. Create a HANDWRITTEN works cited page using the sources from the worksheet. Due tomorrow.
  3. Study for tomorrow's vocabulary test
  4. Visual Aid for presentation due MONDAY
  5. Group Works Cited page due MONDAY

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday, October 22


Today we worked on our unit 4 vocabulary words and on our presentations.  Today was the last day that we will have the laptops in class to work on our Odyssey Research Project Presentations.


  1. Vocabulary Worksheet due tomorrow 10/23
  2. Study for Friday's Unit 4 Vocab Test
  3. Work on your Odyssey Research Project
  4. Visual Aid for Presentation due Monday, 10/27
  5. Works Cited for Group Presentation due Monday 10/27
  6. Presentations on 10/28 and 10/29

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21 Classwork and Homework


Today we reviewed the vocabulary work done in class with the substitute yesterday and worked in our presentation groups.  Once in our presentation groups, our goal was to accomplish the following:
  1. Share contact information with each other
  2. Decide what you are going to teach the class about your topic (select 3-5 sub-topics)
  3. Assign group roles (who is presenting what, who is taking lead for powerpoint/visual aid, who is keeping track of time, who is checking in with everyone, etc...)
  4. Decide what kind of visual aid you will use (if you are going to use a powerpoint, try using google docs or prezi which multiple users can edit online)
  5. Identify Areas of further research
  6. Begin working on presentation, further research, and visual aid


  1. Study Unit 4 Vocabulary for Friday's Test
  2. Work on your presentation
  3. If you did not turn in your INDIVIDUAL works cited page today, turn in late so you can get project credit for it.  It is not eligible for homework points anymore.
  4. If you did not turn in a source that you read AND annotated, turn in late so you can get project credit for it.  It is not eligible for homework points anymore.

Important Dates

Friday, October 24 - Unit 4 Vocabulary Test
Monday, October 27 - Visual Aid and Works Cited for presentations due
Tuesday, October 28 - Presentation Day 1
Wednesday, October 29 - Presentation Day 2

October 20 Classwork and Homework


I was out sick today, so classes did not go to the LRC to work on their projects.  Instead you worked on Unit 4 Antonyms and Completing the Sentence on pgs 57-58 of our Vocabulary Workshop books.  Students were required to turn this work into the sub before class ended.  After working on Unit 4 Vocabulary, students got into their research groups and were told to do the following:
  • Share what each of you found out about their topic during your independent research time.
  • Begin to plan out their presentation.  
  • Make an outline covering the information that will be shared in the presentation as well indicating who is in charge of each part of the presentation.  
  • Share their contact information with each other
  • Plan out when, where, and how they will continue their work on this project.


Students were supposed to turn in their Bibliography/Works Cited page and an annotated source today.  Since I was absent, you have an extra day to work on this.  
  1. Your Bibliography/Works Cited page and an annotated source are due Tuesday.
  2. Study for Friday's Vocabulary Test
  3. Work on your Research Project Presentation

October 17 Classwork and Homework


We were in the LRC focusing on doing our own, independent, individual research related to our assigned topic for the Odyssey Research Project.  We received and went over the following handouts: Odyssey Research Project Calendar, MLA Citation Guide, Homework Due Monday.

Homework Due Monday

1.     Annotated source – Print out one of the sources you found.  Read it and annotate it.  I will collect it on Monday and return it to you on Tuesday.
2.     Individual Bibliography/Works Cited – This must be TYPED and follow all MLAguidelines.  You MUST have a total of 5 sources.  One of your sources must be a print source.
a.     If you are using electronic sources you must include the source’s url (web site address) in the citation.  Use the following (taken from the Purdue Owl website) as an example for how your web citations should look:
For instructors or editors who still wish to require the use of URLs, MLA suggests that the URL appear in angle brackets after the date of access. Break URLs only after slashes.

Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access. <url>.

Aristotle. Poetics. Trans. S. H. Butcher. The Internet Classics Archive. Web Atomic and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 13 Sept. 2007. Web. 4 Nov. 2008. ‹›.

October 16 Classwork and Homework

Today was a shortened day and I only taught 2 of my 5 classes.  No additional homework was given.  We focused on creating MLA style citations and went over the Odyssey Research Project Calendar.  See the power point below for more information.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October 15 Classwork and Homework


Today we were in the LRC learning about creating Works Cited and Bibliography Pages.  We also had a quick tutorial on using databases in our research.  Students found out their groups and topics for our Odyssey Research Project.  Scroll to the bottom of this post for the 5 handouts that we got today: Group Assignments, MLA FAQs, Saving a Document to Your ID#, Easy Bib for Works Cited, LRC Bookmark.


Study Unit 4 Vocabulary Words - Test next Friday, October 24.
Continue researching your topic for your Odyssey Research Project.

Odyssey Research Project Group Assignments

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homer's World Article from week of October 6, 2014

Homer's World

Homer's World Questions

October 14 Classwork and Homework


Today we got our copies of The Odyssey from the book room,  started learning Unit 4 vocabulary words, and took an open homework quiz.  We also learned about a new research project that we are starting tomorrow - The Odyssey Research Project.


Finish recording the parts of speech and definitions for Unit 4 vocabulary words.  Due tomorrow.  You can use my Quizet Flash Cards to help you out with this homework.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Notes from and Homework Assigned on October 6

In Class Notes


Completed vocabulary and Odyssey worksheets due tomorrow, Tuesday, October 7.

Important Dates

  • October 9 - Midterm Day 1
  • October 10 - Midterm Day 2 and end of Quarter 1
  • October 13 - No School - Columbus Day!

Midterm Information

The midterm will include the following:
  • Units 1-3 Vocabulary
  • Grammar- comma usage, especially commas in a series
  • Grammar- end punctuation.  Can you determine where and what kind of end punctuation is needed based on the clues in a text?
  • House on Mango Street
  • If you read the book and paid attention in class, you will be fine.
  • Read Passage with multiple choice questions
  • Short, constructed responses about the reading passage.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Homework Assigned on October 3, 2014


  1. Final Draft of Narrative Essay due Monday, Oct. 6

Important Dates

  • October 6 - Narrative Essay Due
  • October 10 - 1st Quarter Ends & Midterm

Tips to Help you Earn an A on your Narrative Essay

***Scroll down to see each of these documents***
Traits of Effective Writing

Narrative Essay Assignment

6 Point Writing Rubric

Peer Editing Worksheets

MLA Guidelines for All Written Work

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Homework Assigned Oct 2


  1. Study for our Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
  2. Read "Traits of Effective Writing"

Important Dates

  • October 3 - Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
  • October 6 - Narrative Essay Due
  • October 10 - 1st Quarter Ends & Midterm

Tips to Help you Earn an A on your Narrative Essay

***Scroll down to see each of these documents***
Traits of Effective Writing

Narrative Essay Assignment

6 Point Writing Rubric

Peer Editing Worksheets

MLA Guidelines for All Written Work

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework Assigned on 10/1


  1. Narrative Essay Second Draft is due tomorrow - 10/2.  It needs to be typed, 2.5-3 pages long, and follow all formatting guidelines.
  2. Vocabulary in Context Worksheet is due tomorrow.
  3. Study for Friday's vocabulary test on Unit 3 words.

Important Dates

  • October 2 - Second Draft Due
  • October 3 - Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
  • October 6 - Final Draft Due

Vocabulary in Context Worksheet

Narrative Essay Assignment

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Homework Assigned on 9/30 and Important Dates


**Scroll to the bottom of the post to see today's vocabulary worksheet.
  1. Vocabulary Worksheet due tomorrow, Oct. 1
  2. Edit first draft of narrative essay for work in LRC tomorrow
  3. Study for Friday's Vocabulary Test

Important Dates

  • Oct. 1 - Bring your Parent to School Day, class is being held in the LRC
  • Oct. 2 - Narrative Essay Second Draft due (It must be typed, following all formatting guidelines, and be 2.5-3 pages long.)
  • Oct. 3 - Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
  • Oct. 6 - Narrative Essay Final Draft is due (Brainstorming, first draft, and second drafts must be stapled behind the final draft.)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Homework Assigned on Monday, Sept 29

Homework due Tuesday

**All the materials can be viewed at the bottom of this post.
1. Vocabulary Worksheet
2. Read all the excerpts from Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood
3. Complete the Worksheet for Sickened: The Memoir of a  Munchausen by Proxy Childhood

Important Dates

  1. Oct 1 - Bring your parent to school day AND class will be held in the LRC
  2. Oct 2 - Second Draft of your narrative essay is due
  3. Oct 3 - Unit 3 Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary Worksheet

Excerpts from Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood

Worksheet for Sickened: The Memoir of a  Munchausen by Proxy Childhood

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Narrative Essay Assignment Due Oct 6

Narrative Essay
Final Draft due Oct. 6
100 points
Assignment Details
You are going to write a narrative essay based on your own life.  You get to decide what experience or memory your essay will describe.  This essay should focus on a single experience or memory and not be about your life in general.  Use House on Mango Street, Skin, The Glass Castle, Sickened: Memoire of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood, “A & P”, “Fifteen,” and “The Summer I was Sixteen,” texts that we’ve read and discussed in class, as examples that show how to creatively describe specific moments of life in great detail.

Your narrative essay must:
  •  Be a true story from your own life
  • Show that you’ve put your heart and soul into your work
  • Be 2.5-3 pages long
  • Be typed and follow formatting guidelines
  • Be high quality work
  • Final draft must have first draft, second draft, and peer editing forms attached behind it.

In order to create high quality narrative essay, you will need to go through the writing process.  To help you, there will be several writing checkpoints along the way.  You are expected to meet all the checkpoint deadlines.

Check Points:
  1. Brainstorming Sheet in class on Tuesday, Sept 23
  2. Beginning first draft in class and homework on Wednesday, Sept 24
  3. First Draft (typed) in class on Thursday, Sept 25
  4. Typed First Draft due in class on Monday, Sept 29
  5. Editing started in class on Monday, Sept 29
  6. Second Draft (typed) in class on Wednesday, Oct. 1
  7.  Second Draft (typed) due Thursday, Oct. 2
  8. Peer Editing in class on Thursday, Oct. 2
  9.  Final Draft due on Monday, Oct. 6

Description of Narrative Writing
As a mode of expository writing, the narrative approach, more than any other, offers writers a chance to think and write about themselves. We all have experiences lodged in our memories, which are worthy of sharing with readers. Yet sometimes they are so fused with other memories that a lot of the time spent in writing narrative is in the prewriting stage.
When you write a narrative essay, you are telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, often the author's, so there is feeling as well as specific and often sensory details provided to get the reader involved in the elements and sequence of the story. The verbs are vivid and precise. The narrative essay makes a point and that point is often defined in the opening sentence, but can also be found as the last sentence in the opening paragraph.
Since a narrative relies on personal experiences, it often is in the form of a story. When the writer uses this technique, he or she must be sure to include all the conventions of storytelling: plot, character, setting, climax, and ending. It is usually filled with details that are carefully selected to explain, support, or embellish the story. All of the details relate to the main point the writer is attempting to make.

To summarize, the narrative essay
  • is told from a particular point of view
  • makes and supports a point
  • is filled with precise detail
  • uses vivid verbs and modifiers
  • uses conflict and sequence as does any story
  • may use dialogue

Once an incident is chosen, the writer should keep three principles in mind.
  1. Remember to involve readers in the story. It is much more interesting to actually recreate an incident for readers than to simply tell about it.
  2. Find a generalization, which the story supports. This is the only way the writer's personal experience will take on meaning for readers. This generalization does not have to encompass humanity as a whole; it can concern the writer, men, women, or children of various ages and backgrounds.
  3. Remember that although the main component of a narrative is the story, details must be carefully selected to support, explain, and enhance the story.

Conventions of Narrative Essays
In writing your narrative essay, keep the following conventions in mind.
  • Narratives are generally written in the first person, that is, using I. However, third person (he, she, or it) can also be used.
  • Narratives rely on concrete, sensory details to convey their point. These details should create a unified, forceful effect, a dominant impression. More information on the use of specific details is available on another page.
  • Narratives, as stories, should include these story conventions: a plot, including setting and characters; a climax; and an ending.

Here are some popular essay topic examples for your narrative essay type:
  • First Day at College
  • The Moment of Success
  • A Memorable Journey
  • The Biggest Misunderstanding
  • The Difficult Decision
  • The Trip of Your Dreams
  • The Day You Decided to Change Your Life

The essay topic you choose should be interesting and important to you, because the best essays are written on the topics that really matter to the writer.